Blegny-Mine : One of the 4 mining sites of Wallonia recognized by Unesco as World Heritage site.
Since July 2012, Blegny-Mine and the 3 others major mining sites in Wallonia (Grand-Hornu near Mons, Bois-du-Luc in La Louvière and Bois-du Cazier in Charleroi), are recognized by Unesco as World Heritage site.
The 4 sites have developed in close collaboration with the Administration of the Heritage, the Walloon Heritage Institute, and all the concerned authorities a management plan for the next fifteen years wich joins the guidelines of the Walloon Committee of world Heritage.
More information on recognition of the major mining sites in Wallonia and on sites recognized by Unesco.
Logo of The majors mining sites of Wallonia recognized by Unesco as World Heritage site. |